Saturday, 3 October 2009

The Weaseye Chronicles #2 Escape

To Be Continued

Weaseye: We better go then, More Thrall are Coming!
Krik: Thrall attack!
Weaseye: Let's Go.

Volann: How many Glatorian did we lose?
Bruticus: About 4!

Bruticus: I'm sorry Weaseye, but we have to go!
Weaseye: At least the Agori are safe!

Weaseye: No It can't be.

Froce: (Loud Crash) Guys, Run!

Froce: Ouch!!!

Sokore: He's going down, All Glatorian will fall!

Weaseye: He's going to make it!

Froce: Don't worry guys I'm coming!

Volann: No Froce!!

Weaseye: No, Zyllid get off of him!

Zyllid: Die Froce!
Froce: Ow, get off me traitor!
Zyllid: If I'm going to die, then he's going to suffer as well!
Weaseye: Froce come on, the stalacites are falling, Vicinox is going down!
Thrall Guards: Oh oh aaaarggggghhhhh
Froce: You two aren't going anywhere!!!
Thrall: Excellent our plan is advancing!

Krik: You are dead meat Glatorian!
Malko: Aaaaaargggh qu..iickkly guys run!
Thronar: O..K..
Volann: The Agori have fled, It's time to go!
All: Everybody lets go!
Volann: Fall back, they're advancing!
Weaseye: Darn, Froce come on let's go!
Bruticus: Woah, How long do you think we can hold them out?
Weaseye: Not much longer!
Bruticus: That the best you got Thrall!
Krik: You're not going anywhere Glatorian! (Fires Nynrah Blaster)
Weaseye: All evacuate, everybody let's go!
Okay these first episodes aren't the best but I assure you It will become better!
Plz Comment...


  1. Where is the first episode?

  2. Awesome!!! I think these episodes are as good as they can get but if you think you can make it better then thats great. Have you entered my story contest yet Shadow? I need your entery soon.

  3. Yes I have just finished it on Microsoft word and I will post it on my blog very soon.

  4. Scorpio I have posted the link on the top sidebar. Sorry I didn't post the first episode on here but I had deleted the pictures.
