Sunday, 4 October 2009

Episode List

Well I posted links of the Episodes I've posted on my two mains blogs. Now I've posted on the Sidebar the titles of the episodes that are going to come out some may reveal quite a lot but there's going to be a very mysterious suprise so stay tuned for more comics coming out very soon.

Saturday, 3 October 2009

The Weaseye Chronicles #2 Escape

To Be Continued

Weaseye: We better go then, More Thrall are Coming!
Krik: Thrall attack!
Weaseye: Let's Go.

Volann: How many Glatorian did we lose?
Bruticus: About 4!

Bruticus: I'm sorry Weaseye, but we have to go!
Weaseye: At least the Agori are safe!

Weaseye: No It can't be.

Froce: (Loud Crash) Guys, Run!

Froce: Ouch!!!

Sokore: He's going down, All Glatorian will fall!

Weaseye: He's going to make it!

Froce: Don't worry guys I'm coming!

Volann: No Froce!!

Weaseye: No, Zyllid get off of him!

Zyllid: Die Froce!
Froce: Ow, get off me traitor!
Zyllid: If I'm going to die, then he's going to suffer as well!
Weaseye: Froce come on, the stalacites are falling, Vicinox is going down!
Thrall Guards: Oh oh aaaarggggghhhhh
Froce: You two aren't going anywhere!!!
Thrall: Excellent our plan is advancing!

Krik: You are dead meat Glatorian!
Malko: Aaaaaargggh qu..iickkly guys run!
Thronar: O..K..
Volann: The Agori have fled, It's time to go!
All: Everybody lets go!
Volann: Fall back, they're advancing!
Weaseye: Darn, Froce come on let's go!
Bruticus: Woah, How long do you think we can hold them out?
Weaseye: Not much longer!
Bruticus: That the best you got Thrall!
Krik: You're not going anywhere Glatorian! (Fires Nynrah Blaster)
Weaseye: All evacuate, everybody let's go!
Okay these first episodes aren't the best but I assure you It will become better!
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